Custom Commands

Custom Commands

Add elements in the T_CustomCommandsConsole Table. The console commands values can be: Integer, Float, or Boolean.

Example of type value console commands:

r.RoughnessMax 0.7 or r.RoughnessMax 0.25 - Float

r.RayTracing.SkyLight 1 or r.RayTracing.SkyLight 0 - Boolean

r.AmbientOcclusionLevels 2 or r.AmbientOcclusionLevels 5 - Integer

For Integer and Float values, you can set the Minimum and Maximum values for each console command.

After you add the elements, close the tool tab and open it again afterward:

If a Boolean Console Command is activated, the button will be green, if not, the button will be red.

Set Default Console Commands

This tool sets values for the console commands when you use the engine, but once you’ll close it, the values will be lost.

How to set default console commands values (permanently):

Find the “Engine.ini” file in the *NameProject*/Saved/Config/Windows folder.

Open the Engine.ini file in the notepad, go to the bottom of the file, and type "[SystemSettings]" on a blank line, then add your default Console Commands.

For example:

Other Commands Information:

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