Change Log
Last updated
Last updated
Update 1.1 (April 2022):
-Building Custom Shape (non rectangular angles)
-New building types
-Update interior floors - real time
-Roof - static mesh for rectangular shape
-More random options
- Custom materials per slot name
- Intuitive colors for the Building Modular Controller
- Building Tables Instead of building rules
- Move the building when you move the controller
- Children buildings
-Update the UI
-Non closed shape of the building
-Extract meshes/ Merge meshes
-New “Border” blueprint - spline based
-Add audio (traffic background, fan sound)
-New “Random Wind” blueprint
-New cubemaps materials
-New models such as street props, fences, etc.
-New top meshes variation small/tall
-Improved textures, materials and models
-Spline decals
-New decals types
-Fence, sidewalk and road snap to the ground
-Organizing/Optimizing Materials
-Non closed spline for sidewalk:
-Cap sidewalk
-Road Blueprint - Real time change for lane change
-Traffic lights: emergency lights
-Traffic lights: No lights option
-Traffic lights: New traffic lights models
-Fixing bugs