This documentation is for the Unreal 5.1+ version. The latest pack updates released from May 2023 are exclusively compatible with Unreal version 5.1 or higher. These specific versions have a better optimization for Nanite and Lumen. Additionally, they introduce new or improved content such as trees, trash, and more.
If you have the 4.25-5.0 version, you can check the documentation here:
The project includes a lot of high-quality realistic assets with everything that you need to create a city-level for your project. The pack has many models, materials, and blueprints that will make your life easier and you'll save hundreds of hours of work. You can customize almost all of the materials very easily.
Included Packs: Suburbs - City Pack, Industrial - City Pack.
All objects are inspired by real-life, and correctly scaled and we paid attention to the smallest details for each object from the pack. It is a great package for a realistic level/environment/game. The “Background Procedural Building” and “Roof” blueprints generate procedural mesh, the rest of the blueprints use the 3D models included in this pack.
These blueprints/tools work only in Editor, not at runtime (play mode). The generated buildings can have a custom shape and you can include your own modular pieces.
In each scene (day/night), there is only one building with interior, but you can generate other buildings to have interiors.
Size Content Project ~5GB
If you want to update the pack from your project and you used the blueprints from it, please create a backup, some of the blueprints will not be replaced properly.
Thank you so much for buying the product! We’d like to invite you to rate or leave a review on the page of the pack (here). It will take one minute and it will help us a lot!
Support Email and other feedback/suggestions for future updates:
Included packs:
Procedural Tools for Background City
Last updated